Our Story

How the seed of a mom’s love sprouted into a heart-based brand on a mission to empower the next generation

Hi! I am Tanveen Anand, Founder & Chief Mama at Bishy Bishy Bash. I am a young mom of two and a first-generation Canadian immigrant who grew up in New Delhi, India. 

The pandemic gave us all time to think and feel. As I was reflecting on my youth, I realised how many wounds had coloured my childhood and been carried with me throughout my life and impacted my self-confidence.

The world is always ready to tell us what is wrong or flawed; I wanted to fill all my children’s hearts and heads with positive words before they ever got the chance to doubt themselves. When my elder daughter was learning to speak, I practiced positive affirmations with her every day. I wanted these loving words to be an integral part of my daughter’s day-to-day life starting at an early age. My daughter always carried her favorite plushie with her to Montessori. The doll provided a sense of security and companionship that she could rely on to play with, talk to, and hug anytime. I combined this playtime friend with the affirmation practice and decided to design plush animal toys that come with affirmations for children.

What began as bedtime affirmations blossomed into a beautiful heart-based brand.

Speaking affirmations with my daughter during bedtime and playtime was healing for me and my inner-child as well. I realized that I had been believing the same narrative my whole life, and all I had to do was change the story - one sentence at a time. This is the gift I hope to give to my family and yours, and the reason why I founded Bishy Bishy Bash.

With Love, Courage, Happiness, Curiosity, Strength, Intelligence, and Gratitude,

-Tanveen Anand,
Chief Mama & Founder, Bishy Bishy Bash

P.S. People often ask me, Why the name Bishy Bishy Bash?

When my elder daughter was a toddler learning to talk, she had the cutest gibberish. Her response to everything was “bishy bishy bash” and then she would go into a fit of giggles at hearing her own words. I never knew what “bishy bishy bash” meant, but she was always smiling and glowing when she said it. I promised myself I’d do everything I can so that she always chose words that light her up that much.